How to Order Coffee at Philz

Philz Coffee Review

As a staple for most Americans, coffee is what we rely on to revive us in the mornings or give us that pick-me-up for the mid-afternoon droll. While some just need that jolt of caffeine first thing in the morning, others crave tantalizing tastes to wake up our taste buds and warm us through. Though there are many single shops and large chains available to choose from, I am still a fan of my home-brewed cup of joe, personalized to my particular tastes. I’m not a fan of over-sweetened, under-flavored, burnt coffee. After numerous recommendations and encounters with long lines of patrons, I felt compelled to try Philz Coffee and see what all the rave was about. I was not disappointed.

As I said, I’m typically a regular at-home coffee drinker. I even bring my own thermos to work because I like my coffee a certain way. However, it is the personalization of Philz Coffee that drew me even stronger than the smell of roasted coffee beans.

Philz Coffee provides a long menu
Philz long menu

On entering the establishment, you must first take on the task of selecting your beverage. With such a menu, the selection process can be daunting. Select from a seemingly endless array of flavors from chocolate, citrus…. Next, decide whether you want your drink hot or cold. Then, the size, then how sweet. Imagine that – Philz will actually sweeten your beverage according to your own taste. And I thought I only had that option at home.

Though I didn’t sample any of the pastries, it was awfully tempting. Those giant, cake donuts with colorful icing particularly called my attention. Their selection is almost as large as their beverage menu… Almost.

Philz Coffee provides pastries
Philz Coffee provides pastries

Just like a home-cooked meal is usually better than store bought, I usually say the same about coffee. But, when Philz boasts of fresh coffee, they should do so with the utmost pride. It is that freshness that makes their coffee so much better than others. Unless you enjoy the flavor of burnt beans or day old coffee (yuck!), you can’t appreciate this fact. In addition, the flavors don’t taste fake. It’s as if I bought gourmet coffee, brewed it at home, and perfectly prepared it my way.

To top off my experience, when handing me my cup, the lady asked me to taste it first, making sure the sweetness was right. And, she adjusted it when I needed more sugar!

All that’s missing is using my own mug or thermos. Oh, wait!

As a newbie to Philz, I had no idea that I could even bring my own thermos for fill up. Looks like I can still maintain my tradition of bringing a thermos to work, with the exception of filling it up with Philz first.

It really doesn’t get any closer to home-brewed coffee than a cup from Philz.

Read more reviews by Amelia on her Yelp page.

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