I know many of my fellow bloggers will argue that I should have written my Father’s Day blog BEFORE the actual holiday. However, that would only have been true if I was trying to gain something from the tribute I am trying to make here. Maybe my fellow introverts will understand and relate when I say that sometimes it takes reflection after an occurrence to fully grasp the feelings I have and the best way to express my thoughts.
I have what could be considered, a near-perfect dad. He is the Mr. Fix-It of everything – sacrificing what little free time he had to fix everyone’s car in our family, whether he was sick or trying to enjoy a holiday. If there’s an electrical issue, a plumbing issue, or even a friend who needs help redesigning a caved-out bathroom, the phrase is, “Bobby can fix that!”
My father was the poster boy of fatherly duties – tutoring us in homework struggles, teaching us to ride bikes, drive cars, and completing all of it without ever raising his voice in frustration with three teenage kids who desperately needed his help in so many things. I now wonder how he never seemed overwhelmed by all of it.
All of those cute t-shirt sayings fit my dad so perfectly I assumed they were made because of him: “Great Dads are Promoted to Grandpa,” “If Dad Can’t Fix it, No-One Can,” “Dad is My First Hero,” …., you get the point.
He is loving, he’s patient, he’s knowledgeable, and he has the misfortune of having everyone know this, so we all take advantage of his expertise, calling, “Daddy!” whenever we’re in a scrape.
I wanted to write a poem for him in honor of Father’s Day (because that’s what writers do), but I’d found my 19-year old poem where I’d already surmised the same sentiments I wanted to convey here – though maybe not quite as eloquently as I hope I can portray now.

The point is, my father has done EVERYTHING for us kids, his family, extended family, and close friends.
As I mentioned previously in my Mother’s Day blog, I feel like everything comes full circle, as one generation turns into another, and another. My Daddy is one of the best men I will ever know. He set the bar so high for my father and husband expectations that I wasn’t sure I could find my own man to meet those standards. Thank God I was proven wrong when I met my own hubby. I have been blessed with two men in my life that I can call “near perfect.”
And, I have my father to thank for letting me know what the right man looks like. I may have settled for a lot less in my own future, if I hadn’t grown up seeing what a good husband and father really was.
I love you, Daddy.
It is a REALLY nice and obviously heartfelt piece.
Thank you! I don’t like to write unless it’s from my heart. I’m glad that came through in my writing 🙂
What a most amazing tribute to your father! Father’s such as yours are a rare gem these days. I, too, had an absolute wonderful, loving father (he is now gone and I miss him terribly!), but you have been able to find the right words to express your feelings. I so appreciate your blog today. Thank you for sharing such intimate feelings. 🙂
Thank you for reading my post! I appreciate that you appreciate my work. Writing is the best way I know how to express my feelings.
That was beautiful, perfectly said and 100% accurate.
Thank you so much!